April 22, 2020

Can ‘home’ become your new office?

Considering the impact of COVID-19 on business development and marketing.

After being labelled a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) in May 2020, the Coronavirus outbreak has resulted in the implementation of social distancing measures which have distinctly altered the way Britain’s workforce are operating.

The impact of UK government advice, to work at home where possible, has had an unprecedented and unimaginable effect on both UK businesses and the home life of employees. Moreover, with fears of another recession mounting, there is growing concern and uncertainty regarding how long social distancing/isolation will last, the extent of the damage caused by the outbreak and the cost and time recovery will take.

How should my business be responding?

Despite social isolation and social distancing measures, it is important to stay connected. Stay active and engaged with your audience, letting them know you’re still there and ready to help; this will reassure customers of your businesses’ reliability and steadfastness in a time of crisis. Maintaining your brand’s visibility, marketing and online presence, both on your website and social media, is vital in reassuring your customers that it is ‘business as usual’.

Right now is a good time to plan for the future of your business. Take this time to look for new opportunities, markets and approaches to the future of your business and develop a clear strategy; researching trending behaviours may be particularly helpful in order to scope out the most effective next step for you and your business.

One aspect to consider is your marketing, especially through sales materials such as your website or company brochure. This is vital to enhancing the effectiveness of sales, whether this is Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Business (B2B), internal or external.

While there are negative notations to the Phrases associated with COVID-19, social isolation, social distancing, mental health, there's no need to hide away from the world. Staying active and engaged with your audiences, letting them know you're still there ready to help them.Just because the world has stopped moving your marketing shouldn't. Having your brand visible on the online, with content, on your website and social media is just as important, to say your still here and its business as usual.

Right now is a good time to continue and plan for the future of your business, this goes alongside in considering your marketing and sales materials, whether it is for B2C OR B2B internal or external.

4 marketing ideas to consider:

1. Consider your website design.
Evaluate your online presence and whether your current website design is effectively representing your business digitally. Changes could be as small as some fresh new web banners, but they could help enhance your online presence and improve user experience.

2. Refresh your marketing collateral.
As discussed previously but in digital terms, consider whether other media is presenting an effective business image. Freshen up your PowerPoint presentations, brochures, leaflets and exhibition stands to maximize this and push new products, generating increased sales.

3. Digital advertising.
Plan and create new campaigns and content to use online in social channels. Short videos are especially effective in generating high levels of engagement.

4. Consider an Amazon marketplace store.
Why not try setting up a business in Amazon? Ensure you have a storefront with an engaging design and product-focused graphical images.

To bring your ideas to life and ensure your business is presented in the most effective and engaging way, I offer Graphic and Digital design services that can maximize your brand’s online presence and user’s visual experience.

Email me whether you’re self-employed, an influencer or a large corporate company, to transform your business today.

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